Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Benefits of Blogging

I had a number of reasons for starting this blog.

I wanted to recording my travels and experiences abroad. The fact that a blog post is posted for all to read makes me want to keeping it updated. Knowing that people log on inspires dedication that I never has to writing in a journal.

Sharing what's happening with friends and family back home was another incentive for starting the blog. One blog post is more effective then e-mailing the same stories over and over. Of course, I still keep in touch with friends and family, but the blog gives then a baseline for what has been going on in my life. (I also know who never reads the blog, based on what they don't know.)

One thing that I never expected has turned out to be one of its greatest benefits: Connecting with a community of other expats. Initially, this community was a strictly virtual one. Reading other expat blogs and getting comments from them quickly made me feel like I wasn't as alone in adjusting to life abroad.

I have also been lucky enough to meet a few wonderful people in my area through this blog. Sharing my story online has widened my real-life social circle and introduced me to my neighbors.


G in Berlin said...

Absolutely:) I feel that Germany (and the world) has become a (small, for I am but a small blogger)group of friends. I enjoy the look into other people's lives, the instant connection, the advice and commiserations. Sometimes the connection doesn't work out:(, but it's fine- the blogosphere is large.

I also think of my blog as a permanent (and public, so not quite as personal) diary plus photo album.

Jen said...

:) I really enjoy reading your blog, and it helps expand my social network too!