Thursday, May 22, 2008

In May It Must be a Holiday

Ten public holidays? Not for us. Lately it seems like Kevin only has to go to work four days a week.

Okay, in defense of the Germanys, that may be overstating things a bit. But in this year in May alone there were three public holidays.

The first was May Day. Then came Pentecost. And today is Corpus Christi. (It's interesting to note that in the States Pentacost and Corpus Christi don't even qualify as Holy Days of Obligation.)

Since this is my first year in Germany, every time a holiday comes up it's a surprise — and a little treat.


Snooker said...

Those of us on the north end don't get Corpus Christi... and several other holidays that the southerners get. :(

Erin said...

Really? This sounds like yet another layer of German-ness that I can't figure out.

Snooker said...

Yeah, a religious thing. Catholic vs. Protestant.