Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pancake, Pancake

Since traveling to Amsterdam last fall I've been in love with Dutch pancakes.* Thicker then a crepe and thinner than an American pancake they are the perfect – substantial enough to feel like a meal without being a complete carbo-overload.

A vehicle for all things sweet or savory, I've found a decent pfannkucken (that's the German word; it's pannekoek in Dutch) prepackaged at Kaisers, a chain of German grocery stores that is somehow associated with A&P. Last night I filled our pancakes with sautéed mushrooms, shredded chicken, and goat cheese. To make it a meal I also made salad of mache (a.k.a. lamb’s lettuce, which is very popular here), beets (also precooked and available from the grocery store), and walnut oil.

Dinner was delicious and done in less than ten minutes, but it left the cook in me a little unsatisfied. I spent the entire deep relaxation at the end of my yoga class thinking about making my own pancake. It can't be the stay tuned.

* We ate at Pancake!, which was recommented in the New York Time's "36 Hours in Amsterdam" article.

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